Pie season is finally here! This recipe is perfect for all beginner bakers that want to try making a pie and are scared to fail. It is very easy to make, tastes delicious and looks cute!
Mini Rustic Blueberry Peach Pies

Pie season is finally here! This recipe is perfect for all beginner bakers that want to try making a pie and are scared to fail. It is very easy to make, tastes delicious and looks cute!
Delicious vegan coffee cake with a fruity addition of fresh picked cherries, my favourite!
A comforting classic, and a super easy to make gluten free and vegan dessert! I made mine in little ceramic ramekins but this would also work great in a small casserole/baking dish. I also recommend to serve with some vegan ice cream on top!
It was the first time I was baking with plums and I was happily surprised on how it turned out! Plum jam is absolutely delicious and just makes the perfect turn overs!
This fruity tart recipe was inspired by summer cocktails, particularly a peach daquiri! I decided to add in the raspberry as well since its so complimentary and pretty!
Pastry cream tarts are such a refreshing dessert and so perfect to serve during summer! Plus you can use fruits that are in season!
It's the start of peach season and I'm celebrating with this vegan vanilla cake filling with homemade peach compote! I love the cute little pattern of peaches, and I'm so happy with how it all turned out!
It's so fun pairing flavours and ingredients in baked goods, especially in things like biscotti that lend themselves well to basically anything you throw in them! Pistachios, cherries, and dark chocolate is a win win win.